Are you looking for a ketogenic diet plan for weight loss? Need menus and Atkins-friendly recipes?
If so, Atkins 20 Induction is designed to help you kick-start your metabolism toward the state of dietary ketosis, which will take you from predominantly burning glucose for fuel to one that prefers to burn fatty acids and ketones instead.
To help you do this, the Atkins Diet consists of an Acceptable Low-Carb Foods List that Dr. Atkins created in 2002.
Along with that ketogenic food list, has added a few rules and restrictions to help you lose weight during your first 14 days, as well as get into the state of ketosis.
Getting into ketosis is important because it will curb your appetite, cut down on the number of cravings you have, and enable your body to get to work trimming down the extra pounds.
However, getting into ketosis fast isn't appropriate for everyone.
Sometimes, it's better to ease into the Atkins Diet, as it was originally intended to work, so you can begin training yourself to make healthier food choices.
To help you do that, I have constructed this 14-Day Atkins Diet Plan for Beginners, which is suitable for today's Atkins 20 Induction, referred to as Phase 1.
This 14-day easy keto-diet plan is completely free right here. You'll get 14 days worth of menus that include:
If you stick by the rules and restrictions, which I'll talk about in just a minute, the following ketogenic diet menu will show you what it's like to live the Atkins way.
However, keep in mind that Phase 1, which lasts for 14 days, is the most restrictive phase of the diet, so this is not how you'll eat throughout the entire weight-loss phase.
Although, the following Atkins meal plan is a bit repetitive, Phase 2 allows you to start returning carbs back to your diet, such as nuts, cottage cheese, and berries.
During Phase 3, you'll also have additional options of low-carb tortillas and flat breads, starchier vegetables like winter squash, and even sweet potatoes!
The number of carbs you'll be able to eat on the Atkins Nutritional Approach depends on your personal carbohydrate tolerance and degree of insulin resistance. As the metabolism heals, many people discover they can add more carbs to their diet quite easily, and still lose weight.
Phase 2 is called the Ongoing Weight Loss Phase and comes after your body is in ketosis, your hunger has dropped, and your body has adjusted to burning fatty acids for fuel.
This beginner's menu is for those doing Atkins 20, so it does contain more vegetable carbs than my previous Atkins Induction menus, which were designed for those doing Atkins 2002 or Atkins 72.
Below this 14-day easy ketogenic meal plan, you'll find the recipes for the dishes that have been marked with an asterisk, so if you're just interested in the Atkins Induction recipes, please scroll down below the menu.
These are very simple, easy Atkins meals and recipes that hubby and I use all the time and will make it easier for you to stick with your new low-carb diet.
In addition to the recipes that are marked with an asterisk, there are also Atkins-friendly recipes that have a link instead. These menu links go to previous posts.
None of the recipes I link to take you off our site. All of the recipes in the following ketogenic beginner's menu are mine.
If you'd just like to visit our Recipe archives, instead of following the menu below, you can do that, too.
Here's the link to our Recipe Box.
I have created this menu for those who are too busy to spend a lot of time in the kitchen messing around with fancy ketogenic meals. I'm not going to ask you to try and make Atkins Revolution Rolls.
Although, they are very popular during Induction, and second-timers will find the above link handy, they are tricky to make and I want to make sure that you have a very successful Atkins Induction.
The following ketogenic diet plan for beginners does include One Minute Muffins, but they only take 60 seconds in the microwave, contain lots of fiber, and they are hard to mess up.
Instead of asking you to spend hours in the kitchen, this is a real-life ketogenic menu plan designed to get you into ketosis without a lot of fuss and hassle.
Like previous menus that I've created, I recommend that you begin your low-carb diet on a Saturday, so you'll be in ketosis by the time you have to go to work on Monday. That way, if you get hungry during the day, you can grab an extra snack or two without a lot of hassle.
Don't forget to PIN the following Pinterest Image, so you can get back to this 14-Day Keto Diet Plan for Beginners easily!
To make substitutions to my menu suggestions below, you'll need to know the rules and restrictions for Atkins 20.
Atkins 20 is the latest version of the Atkins Diet for those who have more than 40 pounds to lose.
Unlike the 2002 version of the Atkins Diet, which allows one 2-cup salad and 1 cup of cooked vegetables per day, Atkins 20 enables you to eat an average of 20-net carbs.
This means you do not measure your vegetables by the cup. You count the actual carbohydrate grams, which can be 18- to 22-net carbs, per day. A rough estimate of how many carbs you're eating is good enough.
An Atkins 20 Induction is strictly a meat-eggs-cheese and vegetable/salad diet. You do not consume much of anything else. However, like I mentioned above, this is only an introduction to the Atkins Diet itself.
This is why I recommend keeping the first 14 days super easy on yourself.
Atkins 20 recommends that you eat a minimum of three meals a day and two snacks, but once ketosis kicks in, you might find that difficult to do. If you can't eat as much as the following menu provides, it's okay to skip the snacks.
Their purpose is to keep you from getting so hungry that you quit, so don't starve yourself!
You can actually eat every 3 to 4 hours during Phase 1, if you need to.
If you eat everything on the menu, and you're still hungry, simply include more snacks throughout the day.
The purpose of Induction isn't weight loss.
The purpose is to get you into the metabolic state of nutritional ketosis, so you'll find eating at a calorie deficit to be super simple to do.
If you're hungry, EAT!
Once you enter the state of nutritional ketosis, your hunger will drop dramatically, so even though the following menu is designed with plenty of food, you don't have to eat everything.
Also, don't worry if you feel like you're eating too much food to be on a weight-loss diet. The aim is to correct your hormonal state, so your body will have an easier time burning fat.
Just adjust the following menus to fit your appetite.
Eat more or less, depending on your needs.
In addition, Atkins 20 comes with appropriate serving sizes for protein foods of 4 to 6 ounces per meal.
But this is only a guideline.
Snacks can be protein foods, but the limit for meals helps to keep your insulin response to protein reasonable. Many people over the years have found that eating unlimited amounts of protein has stalled their weight loss, so the new rule will help you avoid that problem.
Eat the 4 to 6 ounces allowed on the meal plan, and then eat more in a couple of hours if you're really still hungry.
If you eat too much protein, your body will burn those amino acids for fuel, instead of your body fat. You want to coax the body into burning fat instead of carbs or amino acids.
Atkins 20 is not a high-protein low-carb diet like the prior Atkins plans were.
This is why Atkins 20 works best for people who are mildly insulin resistant or younger. If you're older and/or very insulin resistant, the following menu won't work very well for you. You will probably need fewer carbs. At least, in the beginning.
Check out our menu for doing an Atkins 2002 or Atkins 72 Induction instead:
7-Day Ketogenic Diet Menu for Atkins (2002)
Atkins 72 Induction Menu, with Recipes
Fish is limited to two servings per week, which includes tuna, due to the mercury content.
There is no limit on shellfish, but oysters and mussels are higher in carbs, so they are limited to 4 ounces per day. Clams are considered shellfish, so you can have all the homemade clam chowder you want.
Bacon and ham are often cured using sugar. However, Atkins only cautions that you need to include those carbs in your daily carb count. You don't have to give up bacon and ham if you can't find sugar-free varieties of ham and bacon in your area.
Please note that sausage is no longer on the acceptable list for Induction. If you're returning to the Atkins Diet, instead of just starting out, you might not know that.
Atkins products come with a lot of controversy within the low-carb community, but most Atkins products are acceptable during the first 14 days, in limited quantities.
This is true, provided you don't sacrifice your vegetable intake.
Foundation vegetables are extremely important on Atkins 20, so you must eat a minimum of 12-net carbs of vegetables every day. The easiest way to do that is to plot your vegetables in first, and then fill out your meal with the remaining 8-net carbs.
You can eat more vegetables than 12-net carbs, but you cannot eat less, and you cannot go over 22-net carbs for the day.
Net carbs are easy to calculate. You look at the total carb count for the vegetable you want to eat and subtract the number of fiber grams from the total carbohydrate grams for that food.
Healthy fats contain no carbohydrates, but on Atkins 20, you are limited to 2 to 4 tablespoons of added fats per day. However, fats are used to dial in your calorie deficit, so if your current maintenance calories are quite high, due to your size, you might need to eat a bit more fat.
But fat is not acceptable in unlimited quantities.
That is a myth.
The advice to eat more and more fat when you're having trouble losing weight is not valid. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat at a calorie deficit.
On Atkins 20, oils should never be used to fry with, as the high temperatures will convert the healthy fat into trans fats. Atkins recommends that you use olive oil to saute only. Walnut and sesame oils should be used to dress your salads and vegetables, but never used in cooking.
Mayonnaise should be sugar free, according to the website, but I've never seen a mayonnaise that didn't contain sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Personally, I don't worry about this rule.
Vegetable oils are not off limits, but the recommendation is to use cold-pressed oils whenever possible. Nut and seeds oils are fine.
Sugar substitutes are limited to 3 servings per day, so the only dessert offered in the following menu is sugar-free gelatin. Acceptable sugar alternatives for your coffee or tea are sucralose, Stevia, and saccharine.
Please note that the "3 servings per day rule" includes Atkins products, the substitute that you use in your low-carb beverages, and any alternative that you use in your cooking and recipes.
Consuming too many sugar substitutes can cause your weight loss to stall, so I have not included any Atkins products in the following ketogenic diet plan. If you want to eat them, that's fine. Just keep track of the carbs and make sure that you don't eat them instead of your vegetables.
If you do not like vegetables, you can still do Atkins; just not Atkins 20! Pick one of the other plans that I linked to above, Atkins 2002 or Atkins 72.
It's also important to drink at least 64 ounces of water when doing low carb. Water assists with weight loss, but will also help to correct the dehydration that commonly occurs when you cut back on carbs.
I have been doing a lot of research on water lately and plan to write an extensive guide on the dehydration that is typical on a low-carb diet, but for now, you need to be aware of how much water you're drinking. And that if you don't drink enough, it can prevent you from losing weight.
Coffee and caffeinated tea are now limited to 1 to 2 cups per day, provided you can tolerate them well and they don't interfere with your weight loss. You are also allowed to drink unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened soy milk, club soda, or broth, as desired.
Salty broth will help you keep from getting the Atkins flu, which is a result of unbalanced electrolytes.
If you want to make your own, you can visit our post on how to make salty chicken broth yourself.
I have included broth in the snack lists for that reason. It helps to prevent leg cramps on Induction, but you could use any acceptable low-carb beverage for a snack instead. Adding broth to any of your meals is also a good idea to help keep your sodium level up.
Cheese is not carb free.
On the average, cheese contains about a carb per ounce. Atkins also recommends that you don't eat more than 3 to 4 ounces of hard cheeses per day on Induction. Cheese is loaded with calories, and extremely easy to overeat. And so is heavy cream, for that matter.
Allowable cheeses on Induction include hard cheeses like cheddar or Swiss, medium cheeses like full-fat mozzarella cheese, crumbly cheeses like bleu cheese or feta, and cream cheese.
Please note that cottage cheese and ricotta cheese are not allowed on Induction, due to their higher carb content.
Foundation vegetables are a must.
They are not optional on Atkins 20.
The amount of vegetables that are required to meet the 12-net carbs requirement is about 6 cups of salad and cooked vegetables, depending on which vegetables you choose to eat.
Most of the Atkins 20 Induction menus below include 3 cups of salad and about 3 cups of cooked or additional raw vegetables per day.
Spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower, and broccoli are super low in carbs, however, so you can either eat more of those types of vegetables or balance them out with higher carb choices, such as onions or brussels sprouts.
If you don't like the vegetables that are included in the following keto diet plan, you can substitute with any other low-carb vegetables you like. Just keep a running tally of your carb count for the day.
The list of foundation vegetables can be found at
We also have a simplified list in our Atkins 2002 article on how to do that older version of Atkins correctly.
On Atkins 20, herbs and spices are where you can actually run into trouble.
In 1972, the carbs in herbs and spices were not counted because it was assumed that you would only use a minimal amount, due to the extremely low carbohydrate content of Atkins Induction back then.
Today, since a much higher vegetable intake is encouraged, you now have to include any spices you use in your daily carb count. Some spices and seasonings have minimal to no carb count, while others like onion and garlic powders have a significant amount.
For bottled salad dressings, please read the label very carefully. Atkins does not allow salad dressings that contain sugar at all. The carb count on your dressings must also not be higher than 3-net carbs per serving on Induction.
The easiest way to keep to this rule is to just make your own, so we included several recipes for homemade salad dressings in our mega guide on how to make the perfect low-carb salad. These recipes are all Induction friendly.
Sour cream is still allowed on Induction and mixing sour cream and mayonnaise makes a great starting base for a dressing. Sour cream has a little more than 1 carb for a 2-tablespoon serving and much lower in calories than mayonnaise.
If you run out of carbs before the end of the day, another salad-dressing alternative is to just use mayonnaise or vinegar and oil.
Neither of these ideas contain any significant carbs.
Salsa can also be used on salad as a dressing, and since it's made from just vegetables, the carb count can go toward your 12-net carb daily minimum for vegetables.
In addition to brussels sprouts, which are 1 carb each, black olives are also a vegetable and make an easy way to hit your vegetable carb count, if you happen to be a bit shy by the end of the day.
Green olives are also super low in carbs. Twenty large green olives, unstuffed, are roughly a carb, while 5 large black olives are a carb and a half. I've added both of them to your snack options, but you can also have them during meals instead.
A number of Keto Diet recipes can be found below this Keto Diet Menu for Beginners. They are marked with an asterisk. Links go to recipes that are already in our Recipe Box. They do not go off site.
If you're not feeding a family, many of the leftovers, such as the roast pork or beef, and even the canned green chilies, can be frozen and used for week 2, and beyond. You can also make use of leftovers for snacks or lunch the next day, if you have them.
Snacks are optional for week 2. They are suggestions only. However, they are a good way to help you hit your 18- to 22-net carb target. You can also use any acceptable low-carb food for a snack, including a smaller serving of what you're eating for meals.
2 eggs fried or scrambled in 1/2 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup steamed spinach with pat of butter
coffee, tea, or water
Easy Guacamole and Bacon Chips
celery stick stuffed with 1-ounce cream cheese
1 cup Basic Cole Slaw*
diet soda, herb tea, or water
deviled eggs or hard-boiled eggs with salt and pepper
cheese sticks, homemade or purchased
lunch meat ham spread with cream cheese and rolled up
sugar-free gelatin with whipped cream
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
One Minute Muffin spread with butter or cream cheese
coffee, tea, or water
2-cup lettuce salad with raw vegetables from the Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
dill pickle, cut in wedges
diet soda, herb tea, or water
4 to 6 ounces of roast pork, beef roast, or steak
2 cups of broccoli-cauliflower mix with 1 tablespoon butter
diet soda, herb tea, or water
deviled eggs
pork rinds with salsa or cream cheese dip
sugar-free gelatin with whipped cream
cheese sticks, homemade or purchased
black or green olives
One Minute Muffin topped with butter or cream cheese (see above link)
coffee, tea, or water
lettuce leaves to hold the salad
dill pickle cut into wedges or chopped into the tuna salad
American Cheese Chips with 1/4 cup salsa
diet soda, herb tea, or water
1 cup Tomato-Cucumber Salad*
diet soda, herb tea, or water
pork rinds with guacamole*
cheese sticks, homemade or purchased
lunch-meat ham spread with cream cheese and rolled up
dill pickle wedges
Leftover hot wings
topped with 1 ounce grated cheese
1/2 cup spinach with a pat of butter
coffee, tea, or water
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Green Beans with Bacon*
pork rinds with cream-cheese dip (see above link)
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Tomato-cucumber salad*
deviled eggs, or hard-boiled eggs
cheese sticks, homemade or purchased
cucumber slices with Ranch Dressing
black or green olives
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
One Minute Muffin (see link above)
coffee, tea, or water
3 cup salad made with assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
Leftover Chicken Alfredo Over Green Beans
Cucumbers, peppers, celery with Ranch Dressing
5 black olives
diet soda, herb tea, or water
deviled eggs or hard-boiled eggs
1 ounce pork rinds with guacamole* or cream cheese dip (see above link)
leftover coleslaw
leftover clam chowder
1/2 cup steamed spinach with a pat of butter
coffee, tea, or water
celery stick stuffed with 1 ounce cream cheese
cucumber slices with Ranch Dressing
1 ounce pork rinds with guacamole*
Sliced bell pepper with 1 tablespoon Ranch Dressing
2 cups salad with assorted greens and raw vegetables from the Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
lunch meat ham spread with cream cheese and rolled up
diet gelatin with whipped cream
celery stick stuffed with cream cheese
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
black or green olives
One Minute Muffin with butter or cream cheese (see link above)
coffee, tea, or water
2 tablespoons salad dressing
Cheese Chips (see link above)
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Chicken Lazone*
8 to 10 brussels sprouts (nuke for 10 minutes in covered casserole with a bit of water; season as desired)
dill pickle wedges
cheese sticks (homemade or purchased)
cucumber slices with Ranch Dressing
diet gelatin with whipped cream
black or green olives
By the end of week 1, you should be in ketosis, your hunger and cravings gone down dramatically, and you may be feeling an increase in energy and well being since you are now predominantly burning fatty acids for fuel, instead of glucose.
If so, week 2 will be much simpler to get through.
At this point, you'll have gotten past the protein for fuel that the body uses when it first runs out of glucose, and you'll be burning fats more effectively, so the snacks offered in the following menu are completely optional.
Please eat to your appetite.
While burning body fat is the ultimate goal, this is still Induction, so getting used to the different eating style is more important than what the scale is saying so far.
When you move into Phase 2, there will be plenty of time to scale back your food portions and dial in your fat intake to match your desired rate of body fat loss.
2 scrambled eggs with 1/4 cup peppers and onions
topped with 1 ounce grated cheese
coffee, tea, or water
1 cup Basic Cole Slaw*
assorted raw vegetables with Ranch Dressing
diet soda, herb tea, or water
1 cup steamed broccoli with pat of butter
2 cups salad made of assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
diet soda, herb tea, or water
dill pickle wedges
hard-boiled eggs
pork rinds with salsa
celery stalk stuffed with cream cheese
black or green olives
1/2 cup steamed spinach with a pat of butter
coffee, tea, or water
3 cups salad made with assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetables List
2 tablespoons of salad dressing
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Pork Rinds with Fresh Tomato-Cucumber Salsa
5 black olives added to the above salad
diet soda, herb tea, or water
ham stuffed with cream cheese and rolled up
celery sticks dipped in Ranch Dressing or cream cheese dip (see link above)
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
cheese chips with salsa (see link above)
One Minute Muffin with butter or cream cheese (see link above)
coffee, tea, or water
cheese sticks, either homemade or purchased
assorted raw vegetables with 2 to 3 tablespoons Ranch Dressing or cream cheese dip (see link above)
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Guacamole with Bacon Chips*
2 cups salad made with assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
diet soda, herb tea, or water
unsweetened gelatin with whipped cream
leftover cole slaw
hard-boiled eggs dipped in low-carb honey-mustard
sliced cucumbers with Ranch Dressing
black or green olives
2 eggs fried or scrambled in 1 tablespoon butter
coffee, tea, or water
2 cups salad using assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
diet soda, herb tea, or water
1/2 cup steamed spinach with pat of butter or 1 ounce cream cheese
4 to 6 brussels sprouts
diet soda, herb tea, or water
pork rinds with Tomato-and-Cucumber Salsa (see link above)
hard-boiled eggs dipped in honey-mustard (see link above)
dill pickle wedges
green or black olives
egg salad in lettuce leaves
One Minute Muffin (see link above)
coffee, tea, or water
1 cup chicken or beef broth, with meat and vegetables
assorted raw vegetables with Ranch Dressing
spicy pork rinds
diet soda, herb tea, or water
diet soda, herb tea, or water
tuna or egg salad on cheese crackers (see link above)
lunch meat spread with mustard and wrapped around cheese sticks
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
celery stalk stuffed with cream cheese
assorted raw vegetables with Ranch Dressing
1 ounce pork rinds with leftover Tomato-and-Cucumber Salsa (see link above)
dill pickle, but into wedges
6 to 8 brussels sprouts
diet soda, herb tea, or water
unsweetened gelatin with whipped cream
Guacamole with Bacon Chips*
pork rinds with salsa (see above link)
lunch meat spread with mustard and rolled around cheese sticks
black or green olives
One Minute Muffin with butter or cream cheese (see above link)
coffee, tea, or water
diet soda, herb tea, or water
1 cup cooked green beans
1/2 cup Basic Coleslaw*
diet soda, herb tea, or water
unsweetened gelatin with whipped cream
hard-boiled eggs dipped in honey-mustard (see above link)
dill pickle wedges
Cucumber slices with Ranch Dressing
pork rinds with Tomato-Cucumber Salsa or cream cheese dip (see links above)
The following are the Induction Recipes designed to go with the above Keto Diet Plan for Beginners:
1 bag of coleslaw mix
1 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon vinegar
sugar substitute equal to 1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon celery seeds
1 teaspoon Mrs. Dash Herb and Garlic Seasoning Mix
salt and pepper to taste
Place the coleslaw mix in a large bowl. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, vinegar, sugar substitute, celery seeds, Mrs. Dash, salt, and pepper. Pour over the coleslaw mixture and fold in well. It should like like there isn't enough dressing. The cabbage will wilt as it chills and the dressing should thin. If you need to thin it more, you can add some Torani sugar free syrup to thin it down. Orange or Pineapple will give it a good flavor.
1 tablespoon butter
3 eggs
1/4 cup chopped canned green chilies
2 ounces pepper jack or cheddar cheese
sour cream, salsa, sliced olives (Optional)
In a medium sized non-stick skillet, heat the butter until nice and hot, but not burned. Crack the eggs into a small bowl and fork whip them until mixed well. Pour into the hot skillet, turn the heat down, and allow the eggs to cook until the top is almost dry. Carefully spoon the chili down the center of the omelet and top with cheese. Fold the ends of the omelet up and over the filling like a sleeping bag, leaving the chili and cheese in the center.
To serve, top with sour cream, salsa, and sliced olives, if using.
2 tablespoons butter
4 ounces cream cheese, cubed
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 can chopped clams
1 cup cooked, chopped cauliflower
2 sliced green onions
Heat the butter in a medium-sized non-stick skillet until hot, but not browned. Add cubed cream cheese and stir to mash up a little bit. Add heavy cream, and stir until the soup is nice and creamy. Thin to desired consistency with a little bit of water. Add clams, cauliflower, and green onions; heat through.
2 to 3 roma-style tomatoes, cut in large chunks
1 large cucumber
1/2 cup chopped red onions
1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro, shredded
6 tablespoons vinegar
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon Mrs. Dash Herb & Garlic Seasoning Mix
1 teaspoon Italian seasonings
1/4 teaspoon lemon pepper
sugar substitute equal to 6 tablespoons sugar
In a medium-sized bowl, combine tomato, cucumber, red onions, and cilantro. Set aside.
In a small bowl, combine vinegar, olive oil, garlic, Mrs. Dash, Italian seasonings, lemon pepper, and sugar substitute. Stir well. Pour over the vegetables and gently fold until well mixed. Refrigerate for several hours. Give the salad ample time for the seasonings to blend with the vegetables.
I normally put this in a super-tight container and turn it upside down for part of the chilling time, to make sure it all gets well covered.
The vegetables will wilt if left overnight, but still taste good.
4 cups green beans
4 tablespoons butter
8 ounces cream cheese, cubed
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
8 to 12 ounces chopped chicken
Steam the green beans. If using canned beans, heat in a saucepan. In a large-sized non-stick frying pan, heat the butter until hot, but not browned. Add cubed cream cheese and mash a bit with a wooden spoon. Add heavy cream. Stir and heat until sauce is nice and smooth. Add Parmesan cheese. Thin with extra cream if the sauce gets too thick. Add cooked chicken, and serve over the green beans.
16-ounce can tomato sauce
1 tablespoon Italian seasonings
seasoning salt to taste
1 pound ground beef or turkey
1/4 cup crushed pork rinds
1 teaspoon Italian seasonings
salt and pepper to taste
Zucchini, cooked
Dump the tomato sauce into a small skillet. I normally double the recipe and use an electric frying pan. Heat the tomato sauce slowly over very low heat.
While it's heating, combine ground beef, crushed pork rinds, and 1 teaspoon of Italian seasonings. Roll into large meat balls and plop the raw meatballs into the hot sauce. Cover and cook on low heat until the meatballs are cooked through.
Ladle the sauce over the cooked zucchini, and serve the meatballs on the side.
2 tablespoons butter (divided)
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoons chili powder
3/4 teaspoons onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 chicken breasts
1/2 cup heavy cream
In a medium-sized skillet, heat 1 tablespoon butter until hot, but not browned. While the butter is heating, combine salt, chili powder, onion powder, and garlic powder in a pie plate, and stir well. Coat chicken breasts with the seasoning mix and add to the hot butter in the pan. Brown both sides for a total of 7 to 8 minutes.
Only turn the chicken one time.
Add the heavy cream, lower heat, and allow the sauce to simmer for several minutes, stirring occasionally, as needed to keep the chicken from sticking to the pan. The sauce will thicken as it cooks. When thick, add another tablespoon butter and stir well.
To serve, place the chicken on a plate and ladle the sauce over the top.
After you complete your 14-day Induction period, you have a couple of choices to make:
1) You can stay on Atkins Induction for a couple more weeks and let your body get more proficient at burning fat for fuel; or
2) Move into Phase 2 of the Atkins Nutritional Approach and start returning foods with a significant amount of carbs back into your diet.
If you decide to continue on with Induction for a few more weeks, you must stick with the rules and restrictions mentioned above, but you can switch out the meats, vegetables, and recipes in the above menu for other Atkins 20 friendly foods to give you greater variety.
Also, feel free to substitute one day with another.
If you want to move onto Phase 2 of the Atkins program, here's our post on how to do Phase 2 correctly.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comment section below! If you decide to give this menu a try, I'd also love to hear how well you did.
Atkins 20: Understanding the New Atkins Diet - This article goes more into detail about the Atkins 20 diet, and includes a list of the foundation vegetables.
Here is the Easiest Way to Go Low Carb - If you want to do low carb without having to mess with recipes and menus, this article teaches you how to de-carb what your family is eating right now.
What to Expect if You Cheat on Your Low-Carb Diet - Many people have trouble making it 14 days without cheating, so this article goes into detail about the consequences that you can expect if you cheat during Induction.
Why Am I Not Losing Weight on Atkins Induction? - Not everyone loses weight during the first 14 days. Here's why, and some ideas on what to do about that.
To help you do that, I have constructed this 14-Day Atkins Diet Plan for Beginners, which is suitable for today's Atkins 20 Induction, referred to as Phase 1.
This 14-day easy keto-diet plan is completely free right here. You'll get 14 days worth of menus that include:
- breakfast
- lunch
- dinner
- list of optional snacks
If you stick by the rules and restrictions, which I'll talk about in just a minute, the following ketogenic diet menu will show you what it's like to live the Atkins way.
However, keep in mind that Phase 1, which lasts for 14 days, is the most restrictive phase of the diet, so this is not how you'll eat throughout the entire weight-loss phase.
Although, the following Atkins meal plan is a bit repetitive, Phase 2 allows you to start returning carbs back to your diet, such as nuts, cottage cheese, and berries.
During Phase 3, you'll also have additional options of low-carb tortillas and flat breads, starchier vegetables like winter squash, and even sweet potatoes!
The number of carbs you'll be able to eat on the Atkins Nutritional Approach depends on your personal carbohydrate tolerance and degree of insulin resistance. As the metabolism heals, many people discover they can add more carbs to their diet quite easily, and still lose weight.
Phase 2 is called the Ongoing Weight Loss Phase and comes after your body is in ketosis, your hunger has dropped, and your body has adjusted to burning fatty acids for fuel.
This beginner's menu is for those doing Atkins 20, so it does contain more vegetable carbs than my previous Atkins Induction menus, which were designed for those doing Atkins 2002 or Atkins 72.
Below this 14-day easy ketogenic meal plan, you'll find the recipes for the dishes that have been marked with an asterisk, so if you're just interested in the Atkins Induction recipes, please scroll down below the menu.
These are very simple, easy Atkins meals and recipes that hubby and I use all the time and will make it easier for you to stick with your new low-carb diet.
In addition to the recipes that are marked with an asterisk, there are also Atkins-friendly recipes that have a link instead. These menu links go to previous posts.
None of the recipes I link to take you off our site. All of the recipes in the following ketogenic beginner's menu are mine.
If you'd just like to visit our Recipe archives, instead of following the menu below, you can do that, too.
Here's the link to our Recipe Box.
I have created this menu for those who are too busy to spend a lot of time in the kitchen messing around with fancy ketogenic meals. I'm not going to ask you to try and make Atkins Revolution Rolls.
Although, they are very popular during Induction, and second-timers will find the above link handy, they are tricky to make and I want to make sure that you have a very successful Atkins Induction.
The following ketogenic diet plan for beginners does include One Minute Muffins, but they only take 60 seconds in the microwave, contain lots of fiber, and they are hard to mess up.
Instead of asking you to spend hours in the kitchen, this is a real-life ketogenic menu plan designed to get you into ketosis without a lot of fuss and hassle.
Like previous menus that I've created, I recommend that you begin your low-carb diet on a Saturday, so you'll be in ketosis by the time you have to go to work on Monday. That way, if you get hungry during the day, you can grab an extra snack or two without a lot of hassle.
Don't forget to PIN the following Pinterest Image, so you can get back to this 14-Day Keto Diet Plan for Beginners easily!
Rules and Restrictions for Atkins 20
To make substitutions to my menu suggestions below, you'll need to know the rules and restrictions for Atkins 20.
Atkins 20 is the latest version of the Atkins Diet for those who have more than 40 pounds to lose.
Unlike the 2002 version of the Atkins Diet, which allows one 2-cup salad and 1 cup of cooked vegetables per day, Atkins 20 enables you to eat an average of 20-net carbs.
This means you do not measure your vegetables by the cup. You count the actual carbohydrate grams, which can be 18- to 22-net carbs, per day. A rough estimate of how many carbs you're eating is good enough.
An Atkins 20 Induction is strictly a meat-eggs-cheese and vegetable/salad diet. You do not consume much of anything else. However, like I mentioned above, this is only an introduction to the Atkins Diet itself.
This is why I recommend keeping the first 14 days super easy on yourself.
Atkins 20 recommends that you eat a minimum of three meals a day and two snacks, but once ketosis kicks in, you might find that difficult to do. If you can't eat as much as the following menu provides, it's okay to skip the snacks.
Their purpose is to keep you from getting so hungry that you quit, so don't starve yourself!
You can actually eat every 3 to 4 hours during Phase 1, if you need to.
If you eat everything on the menu, and you're still hungry, simply include more snacks throughout the day.
The purpose of Induction isn't weight loss.
The purpose is to get you into the metabolic state of nutritional ketosis, so you'll find eating at a calorie deficit to be super simple to do.
If you're hungry, EAT!
Once you enter the state of nutritional ketosis, your hunger will drop dramatically, so even though the following menu is designed with plenty of food, you don't have to eat everything.
Also, don't worry if you feel like you're eating too much food to be on a weight-loss diet. The aim is to correct your hormonal state, so your body will have an easier time burning fat.
Just adjust the following menus to fit your appetite.
Eat more or less, depending on your needs.
In addition, Atkins 20 comes with appropriate serving sizes for protein foods of 4 to 6 ounces per meal.
But this is only a guideline.
Snacks can be protein foods, but the limit for meals helps to keep your insulin response to protein reasonable. Many people over the years have found that eating unlimited amounts of protein has stalled their weight loss, so the new rule will help you avoid that problem.
Eat the 4 to 6 ounces allowed on the meal plan, and then eat more in a couple of hours if you're really still hungry.
If you eat too much protein, your body will burn those amino acids for fuel, instead of your body fat. You want to coax the body into burning fat instead of carbs or amino acids.
Atkins 20 is not a high-protein low-carb diet like the prior Atkins plans were.
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Atkins 20 is NOT a high-protein diet. You eat 4 to 6 ounces of meat, fish, or poultry per meal. |
Check out our menu for doing an Atkins 2002 or Atkins 72 Induction instead:
7-Day Ketogenic Diet Menu for Atkins (2002)
Atkins 72 Induction Menu, with Recipes
Fish is limited to two servings per week, which includes tuna, due to the mercury content.
There is no limit on shellfish, but oysters and mussels are higher in carbs, so they are limited to 4 ounces per day. Clams are considered shellfish, so you can have all the homemade clam chowder you want.
Bacon and ham are often cured using sugar. However, Atkins only cautions that you need to include those carbs in your daily carb count. You don't have to give up bacon and ham if you can't find sugar-free varieties of ham and bacon in your area.
Please note that sausage is no longer on the acceptable list for Induction. If you're returning to the Atkins Diet, instead of just starting out, you might not know that.
Atkins products come with a lot of controversy within the low-carb community, but most Atkins products are acceptable during the first 14 days, in limited quantities.
This is true, provided you don't sacrifice your vegetable intake.
Foundation vegetables are extremely important on Atkins 20, so you must eat a minimum of 12-net carbs of vegetables every day. The easiest way to do that is to plot your vegetables in first, and then fill out your meal with the remaining 8-net carbs.
You can eat more vegetables than 12-net carbs, but you cannot eat less, and you cannot go over 22-net carbs for the day.
Net carbs are easy to calculate. You look at the total carb count for the vegetable you want to eat and subtract the number of fiber grams from the total carbohydrate grams for that food.
Healthy fats contain no carbohydrates, but on Atkins 20, you are limited to 2 to 4 tablespoons of added fats per day. However, fats are used to dial in your calorie deficit, so if your current maintenance calories are quite high, due to your size, you might need to eat a bit more fat.
But fat is not acceptable in unlimited quantities.
That is a myth.
The advice to eat more and more fat when you're having trouble losing weight is not valid. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat at a calorie deficit.
On Atkins 20, oils should never be used to fry with, as the high temperatures will convert the healthy fat into trans fats. Atkins recommends that you use olive oil to saute only. Walnut and sesame oils should be used to dress your salads and vegetables, but never used in cooking.
Mayonnaise should be sugar free, according to the website, but I've never seen a mayonnaise that didn't contain sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Personally, I don't worry about this rule.
Vegetable oils are not off limits, but the recommendation is to use cold-pressed oils whenever possible. Nut and seeds oils are fine.
Sugar substitutes are limited to 3 servings per day, so the only dessert offered in the following menu is sugar-free gelatin. Acceptable sugar alternatives for your coffee or tea are sucralose, Stevia, and saccharine.
Please note that the "3 servings per day rule" includes Atkins products, the substitute that you use in your low-carb beverages, and any alternative that you use in your cooking and recipes.
Consuming too many sugar substitutes can cause your weight loss to stall, so I have not included any Atkins products in the following ketogenic diet plan. If you want to eat them, that's fine. Just keep track of the carbs and make sure that you don't eat them instead of your vegetables.
If you do not like vegetables, you can still do Atkins; just not Atkins 20! Pick one of the other plans that I linked to above, Atkins 2002 or Atkins 72.
It's also important to drink at least 64 ounces of water when doing low carb. Water assists with weight loss, but will also help to correct the dehydration that commonly occurs when you cut back on carbs.
I have been doing a lot of research on water lately and plan to write an extensive guide on the dehydration that is typical on a low-carb diet, but for now, you need to be aware of how much water you're drinking. And that if you don't drink enough, it can prevent you from losing weight.
Coffee and caffeinated tea are now limited to 1 to 2 cups per day, provided you can tolerate them well and they don't interfere with your weight loss. You are also allowed to drink unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened soy milk, club soda, or broth, as desired.
Salty broth will help you keep from getting the Atkins flu, which is a result of unbalanced electrolytes.
If you want to make your own, you can visit our post on how to make salty chicken broth yourself.
I have included broth in the snack lists for that reason. It helps to prevent leg cramps on Induction, but you could use any acceptable low-carb beverage for a snack instead. Adding broth to any of your meals is also a good idea to help keep your sodium level up.
Cheese is not carb free.
On the average, cheese contains about a carb per ounce. Atkins also recommends that you don't eat more than 3 to 4 ounces of hard cheeses per day on Induction. Cheese is loaded with calories, and extremely easy to overeat. And so is heavy cream, for that matter.
Allowable cheeses on Induction include hard cheeses like cheddar or Swiss, medium cheeses like full-fat mozzarella cheese, crumbly cheeses like bleu cheese or feta, and cream cheese.
Please note that cottage cheese and ricotta cheese are not allowed on Induction, due to their higher carb content.
Foundation vegetables are a must.
They are not optional on Atkins 20.
The amount of vegetables that are required to meet the 12-net carbs requirement is about 6 cups of salad and cooked vegetables, depending on which vegetables you choose to eat.
Most of the Atkins 20 Induction menus below include 3 cups of salad and about 3 cups of cooked or additional raw vegetables per day.
Spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower, and broccoli are super low in carbs, however, so you can either eat more of those types of vegetables or balance them out with higher carb choices, such as onions or brussels sprouts.
If you don't like the vegetables that are included in the following keto diet plan, you can substitute with any other low-carb vegetables you like. Just keep a running tally of your carb count for the day.
The list of foundation vegetables can be found at
We also have a simplified list in our Atkins 2002 article on how to do that older version of Atkins correctly.
On Atkins 20, herbs and spices are where you can actually run into trouble.
In 1972, the carbs in herbs and spices were not counted because it was assumed that you would only use a minimal amount, due to the extremely low carbohydrate content of Atkins Induction back then.
Today, since a much higher vegetable intake is encouraged, you now have to include any spices you use in your daily carb count. Some spices and seasonings have minimal to no carb count, while others like onion and garlic powders have a significant amount.
For bottled salad dressings, please read the label very carefully. Atkins does not allow salad dressings that contain sugar at all. The carb count on your dressings must also not be higher than 3-net carbs per serving on Induction.
The easiest way to keep to this rule is to just make your own, so we included several recipes for homemade salad dressings in our mega guide on how to make the perfect low-carb salad. These recipes are all Induction friendly.
Sour cream is still allowed on Induction and mixing sour cream and mayonnaise makes a great starting base for a dressing. Sour cream has a little more than 1 carb for a 2-tablespoon serving and much lower in calories than mayonnaise.
If you run out of carbs before the end of the day, another salad-dressing alternative is to just use mayonnaise or vinegar and oil.
Neither of these ideas contain any significant carbs.
Salsa can also be used on salad as a dressing, and since it's made from just vegetables, the carb count can go toward your 12-net carb daily minimum for vegetables.
In addition to brussels sprouts, which are 1 carb each, black olives are also a vegetable and make an easy way to hit your vegetable carb count, if you happen to be a bit shy by the end of the day.
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You can easily get your 12-net carbs of vegetables in by adding black or green olives to your menu. |
Green olives are also super low in carbs. Twenty large green olives, unstuffed, are roughly a carb, while 5 large black olives are a carb and a half. I've added both of them to your snack options, but you can also have them during meals instead.
14-Day Keto Diet Plan for Beginners
A number of Keto Diet recipes can be found below this Keto Diet Menu for Beginners. They are marked with an asterisk. Links go to recipes that are already in our Recipe Box. They do not go off site.
If you're not feeding a family, many of the leftovers, such as the roast pork or beef, and even the canned green chilies, can be frozen and used for week 2, and beyond. You can also make use of leftovers for snacks or lunch the next day, if you have them.
Snacks are optional for week 2. They are suggestions only. However, they are a good way to help you hit your 18- to 22-net carb target. You can also use any acceptable low-carb food for a snack, including a smaller serving of what you're eating for meals.
Day 1: Saturday
3 strips of bacon2 eggs fried or scrambled in 1/2 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup steamed spinach with pat of butter
coffee, tea, or water
Chicken salad:- 4 ounces cooked chicken, chopped
- 3 cups salad: torn greens and raw vegetables from the Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
- 5 large black olives
- 2 tablespoons salad dressing
4- to 6-ounce hamburger steak with cheeseEasy Guacamole and Bacon Chips
celery stick stuffed with 1-ounce cream cheese
1 cup Basic Cole Slaw*
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks: (Choose 2)
chicken or beef broth, with or without meatdeviled eggs or hard-boiled eggs with salt and pepper
cheese sticks, homemade or purchased
lunch meat ham spread with cream cheese and rolled up
sugar-free gelatin with whipped cream
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
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Hot Wings are a classic keto-friendly low-carb meal. Add a side salad, and you're all set! |
Day 2: Sunday
Green Chili and Cheese Omelet*One Minute Muffin spread with butter or cream cheese
coffee, tea, or water
Extra-Spicy Hot Wings (4 to 8 whole)2-cup lettuce salad with raw vegetables from the Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
dill pickle, cut in wedges
diet soda, herb tea, or water
1 cup of Clam Chowder*4 to 6 ounces of roast pork, beef roast, or steak
2 cups of broccoli-cauliflower mix with 1 tablespoon butter
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks: (Choose 2)
chicken or beef broth, with or without meatdeviled eggs
pork rinds with salsa or cream cheese dip
sugar-free gelatin with whipped cream
cheese sticks, homemade or purchased
black or green olives
Day 3: Monday
Easy Protein ShakeOne Minute Muffin topped with butter or cream cheese (see above link)
coffee, tea, or water
Tuna salad: 4 to 5 ounce can tuna, 2 tablespoons mayonnaiselettuce leaves to hold the salad
dill pickle cut into wedges or chopped into the tuna salad
American Cheese Chips with 1/4 cup salsa
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Chicken Alfredo over 2 cups Green Beans*1 cup Tomato-Cucumber Salad*
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks: (Choose 2)
chicken or beef broth, with or without meat and vegetablespork rinds with guacamole*
cheese sticks, homemade or purchased
lunch-meat ham spread with cream cheese and rolled up
dill pickle wedges
Leftover hot wings
Day 4: Tuesday
2 scrambled eggs (2 to 4 ounces ham, 1/4 cup peppers and onions)topped with 1 ounce grated cheese
1/2 cup spinach with a pat of butter
coffee, tea, or water
Chicken salad:- 4 ounces cooked chicken, chopped
- serve over 3 cups salad that consists of torn greens and raw vegetables from the Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
- 2 tablespoons salad dressing
diet soda, herb tea, or water
1/2 of a roasted Cornish game hen (season, as desired)Green Beans with Bacon*
pork rinds with cream-cheese dip (see above link)
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks: (Choose 2)
chicken or beef broth, with or without meat and vegetablesTomato-cucumber salad*
deviled eggs, or hard-boiled eggs
cheese sticks, homemade or purchased
cucumber slices with Ranch Dressing
black or green olives
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
Day 5: Wednesday
Easy Protein Shake (see link above)One Minute Muffin (see link above)
coffee, tea, or water
Leftover game hen3 cup salad made with assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
Basic Egg-Drop SoupLeftover Chicken Alfredo Over Green Beans
Cucumbers, peppers, celery with Ranch Dressing
5 black olives
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks: (Choose 2)
chicken or beef broth (with or without meat and vegetables)deviled eggs or hard-boiled eggs
1 ounce pork rinds with guacamole* or cream cheese dip (see above link)
leftover coleslaw
leftover clam chowder
Day 6: Thursday
ham and cheese omelet: 2 to 3 eggs, 2 to 4 ounces of ham/cheese1/2 cup steamed spinach with a pat of butter
coffee, tea, or water
4 to 6 ounces of chicken salad in lettuce leavescelery stick stuffed with 1 ounce cream cheese
cucumber slices with Ranch Dressing
1 ounce pork rinds with guacamole*
Italian Meatballs over 1 cup Zucchini*Sliced bell pepper with 1 tablespoon Ranch Dressing
2 cups salad with assorted greens and raw vegetables from the Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
Snacks: (Choose 2)
chicken or beef broth, with or without meat and vegetableslunch meat ham spread with cream cheese and rolled up
diet gelatin with whipped cream
celery stick stuffed with cream cheese
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
black or green olives
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Chicken salad makes a nice, easy lunch to take to work |
Day 7: Friday
Easy Protein Shake (see link above)One Minute Muffin with butter or cream cheese (see link above)
coffee, tea, or water
3 to 4 ounces chopped cooked chicken and 1 to 2 ounces cheese over 3 cups salad, including raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List2 tablespoons salad dressing
Cheese Chips (see link above)
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Egg Drop Soup (see link above)Chicken Lazone*
8 to 10 brussels sprouts (nuke for 10 minutes in covered casserole with a bit of water; season as desired)
Snacks: (Choose 2)
chicken or beef broth, with or without meat and vegetablesdill pickle wedges
cheese sticks (homemade or purchased)
cucumber slices with Ranch Dressing
diet gelatin with whipped cream
black or green olives
By the end of week 1, you should be in ketosis, your hunger and cravings gone down dramatically, and you may be feeling an increase in energy and well being since you are now predominantly burning fatty acids for fuel, instead of glucose.
If so, week 2 will be much simpler to get through.
At this point, you'll have gotten past the protein for fuel that the body uses when it first runs out of glucose, and you'll be burning fats more effectively, so the snacks offered in the following menu are completely optional.
Please eat to your appetite.
While burning body fat is the ultimate goal, this is still Induction, so getting used to the different eating style is more important than what the scale is saying so far.
When you move into Phase 2, there will be plenty of time to scale back your food portions and dial in your fat intake to match your desired rate of body fat loss.
Day 8: Saturday
3 strips of bacon2 scrambled eggs with 1/4 cup peppers and onions
topped with 1 ounce grated cheese
coffee, tea, or water
Leftover Chicken Lazone*1 cup Basic Cole Slaw*
assorted raw vegetables with Ranch Dressing
diet soda, herb tea, or water
4 to 6 ounces grilled steak, pork roast, or roast beef1 cup steamed broccoli with pat of butter
2 cups salad made of assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks (Optional):
beef or chicken broth, with or without meat and vegetablesdill pickle wedges
hard-boiled eggs
pork rinds with salsa
celery stalk stuffed with cream cheese
black or green olives
My Chicken Breast Alfredo Bake with Broccoli Recipe A quick-and-easy Induction meal |
Day 9: Sunday
Green Chili and Cheese omelet*1/2 cup steamed spinach with a pat of butter
coffee, tea, or water
Roast chicken3 cups salad made with assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetables List
2 tablespoons of salad dressing
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Chicken Alfredo Bake with BroccoliPork Rinds with Fresh Tomato-Cucumber Salsa
5 black olives added to the above salad
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks (Optional):
chicken or beef broth, with or without meat and vegetablesham stuffed with cream cheese and rolled up
celery sticks dipped in Ranch Dressing or cream cheese dip (see link above)
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
cheese chips with salsa (see link above)
Day 10: Monday
Basic protein shake (see link above)One Minute Muffin with butter or cream cheese (see link above)
coffee, tea, or water
Lettuce wrap: chicken salad inside lettuce leavescheese sticks, either homemade or purchased
assorted raw vegetables with 2 to 3 tablespoons Ranch Dressing or cream cheese dip (see link above)
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Ham and Green Bean SoupGuacamole with Bacon Chips*
2 cups salad made with assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks (Optional)
chicken or beef broth, with or without meat and vegetablesunsweetened gelatin with whipped cream
leftover cole slaw
hard-boiled eggs dipped in low-carb honey-mustard
sliced cucumbers with Ranch Dressing
black or green olives
Day 11: Tuesday
3 slices of bacon2 eggs fried or scrambled in 1 tablespoon butter
coffee, tea, or water
Leftover Ham and Green Bean Soup (see link above)2 cups salad using assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
2 tablespoons salad dressing
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Easy Herb-and-Butter Chicken Breast saute1/2 cup steamed spinach with pat of butter or 1 ounce cream cheese
4 to 6 brussels sprouts
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks (Optional):
Leftover Ham and Green Bean Soup (see link above)pork rinds with Tomato-and-Cucumber Salsa (see link above)
hard-boiled eggs dipped in honey-mustard (see link above)
dill pickle wedges
green or black olives
egg salad in lettuce leaves
Day 12: Wednesday
Basic protein shake (see link above)One Minute Muffin (see link above)
coffee, tea, or water
Low-carb sandwich: use 2 slices cheese for the bread; spread with mustard or mayonnaise and fill with your favorite sandwich filling1 cup chicken or beef broth, with meat and vegetables
assorted raw vegetables with Ranch Dressing
spicy pork rinds
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Taco Salad:- 3 cups salad made from assorted greens and raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
- 1 ounce grated cheese
- 2 tablespoons of sour cream
- 2 tablespoons homemade salsa
- 5 black olives, whole or sliced
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks (Optional):
hard-boiled eggs dipped in honey-mustard (see link above)tuna or egg salad on cheese crackers (see link above)
lunch meat spread with mustard and wrapped around cheese sticks
diet soda with 2 tablespoons heavy cream
celery stalk stuffed with cream cheese
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You don't have to give up burgers on low carb. Just toss the bun and pad your meal with salad or vegetables |
Day 13: Thursday
Breakfast salad:- 2 cups assorted greens
- 2 hard-boiled eggs chopped
- 2 slices of crispy bacon, crumbled
- 1 cup raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetables List
- 2 tablespoons salad dressing
Chicken salad in lettuce leaves, with or without crumbled baconassorted raw vegetables with Ranch Dressing
1 ounce pork rinds with leftover Tomato-and-Cucumber Salsa (see link above)
4 to 6 ounce hamburger steak topped with sauteed mushroomsdill pickle, but into wedges
6 to 8 brussels sprouts
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks (Optional):
chicken or beef broth, with or without meat and vegetablesunsweetened gelatin with whipped cream
Guacamole with Bacon Chips*
pork rinds with salsa (see above link)
lunch meat spread with mustard and rolled around cheese sticks
black or green olives
Day 14: Friday
3 scrambled eggsOne Minute Muffin with butter or cream cheese (see above link)
coffee, tea, or water
Taco Salad (use leftover taco meat from Wednesday dinner):- 2 cups assorted greens
- 1 cup raw vegetables from Atkins Foundation Vegetable List
- 1 ounce grated cheese
- 2 tablespoons sour cream
- 2 tablespoons salsa
- 5 black olives
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Pork Chops with Mushroom Gravy1 cup cooked green beans
1/2 cup Basic Coleslaw*
diet soda, herb tea, or water
Snacks (Optional):
chicken or beef broth, with or without meat and vegetablesunsweetened gelatin with whipped cream
hard-boiled eggs dipped in honey-mustard (see above link)
dill pickle wedges
Cucumber slices with Ranch Dressing
pork rinds with Tomato-Cucumber Salsa or cream cheese dip (see links above)
Atkins Induction Recipes
The following are the Induction Recipes designed to go with the above Keto Diet Plan for Beginners:
Basic Coleslaw
Basic coleslaw is versatile, as well as easy to fix Great to take the place of a lettuce salad |
1 bag of coleslaw mix
1 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon vinegar
sugar substitute equal to 1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon celery seeds
1 teaspoon Mrs. Dash Herb and Garlic Seasoning Mix
salt and pepper to taste
Place the coleslaw mix in a large bowl. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, vinegar, sugar substitute, celery seeds, Mrs. Dash, salt, and pepper. Pour over the coleslaw mixture and fold in well. It should like like there isn't enough dressing. The cabbage will wilt as it chills and the dressing should thin. If you need to thin it more, you can add some Torani sugar free syrup to thin it down. Orange or Pineapple will give it a good flavor.
Green Chili and Cheese Omelet
Ingredients:1 tablespoon butter
3 eggs
1/4 cup chopped canned green chilies
2 ounces pepper jack or cheddar cheese
sour cream, salsa, sliced olives (Optional)
In a medium sized non-stick skillet, heat the butter until nice and hot, but not burned. Crack the eggs into a small bowl and fork whip them until mixed well. Pour into the hot skillet, turn the heat down, and allow the eggs to cook until the top is almost dry. Carefully spoon the chili down the center of the omelet and top with cheese. Fold the ends of the omelet up and over the filling like a sleeping bag, leaving the chili and cheese in the center.
To serve, top with sour cream, salsa, and sliced olives, if using.
Clam Chowder
Ingredients:2 tablespoons butter
4 ounces cream cheese, cubed
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 can chopped clams
1 cup cooked, chopped cauliflower
2 sliced green onions
Heat the butter in a medium-sized non-stick skillet until hot, but not browned. Add cubed cream cheese and stir to mash up a little bit. Add heavy cream, and stir until the soup is nice and creamy. Thin to desired consistency with a little bit of water. Add clams, cauliflower, and green onions; heat through.
Tomato-Cucumber Salad
Tomato-Cucumber Salad is easy to whip up before work and chill all day in the refrigerator for the perfect Atkins side dish! |
2 to 3 roma-style tomatoes, cut in large chunks
1 large cucumber
1/2 cup chopped red onions
1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro, shredded
6 tablespoons vinegar
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon Mrs. Dash Herb & Garlic Seasoning Mix
1 teaspoon Italian seasonings
1/4 teaspoon lemon pepper
sugar substitute equal to 6 tablespoons sugar
In a medium-sized bowl, combine tomato, cucumber, red onions, and cilantro. Set aside.
In a small bowl, combine vinegar, olive oil, garlic, Mrs. Dash, Italian seasonings, lemon pepper, and sugar substitute. Stir well. Pour over the vegetables and gently fold until well mixed. Refrigerate for several hours. Give the salad ample time for the seasonings to blend with the vegetables.
I normally put this in a super-tight container and turn it upside down for part of the chilling time, to make sure it all gets well covered.
The vegetables will wilt if left overnight, but still taste good.
Chicken Alfredo Over Green Beans
Ingredients:4 cups green beans
4 tablespoons butter
8 ounces cream cheese, cubed
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
8 to 12 ounces chopped chicken
Steam the green beans. If using canned beans, heat in a saucepan. In a large-sized non-stick frying pan, heat the butter until hot, but not browned. Add cubed cream cheese and mash a bit with a wooden spoon. Add heavy cream. Stir and heat until sauce is nice and smooth. Add Parmesan cheese. Thin with extra cream if the sauce gets too thick. Add cooked chicken, and serve over the green beans.
Green Beans with Bacon
Super simple recipe. Cut 2 or 3 slices of bacon into squares and stir-fry in a non-stick skillet until extra crispy. Add a drained can of green beans, and stir-fry until it is completely coated with the bacon grease and quite hot. Can add some chopped sweet peppers along with the bacon, as its frying, for extra color.Italian Meatballs and Zucchini
16-ounce can tomato sauce
1 tablespoon Italian seasonings
seasoning salt to taste
1 pound ground beef or turkey
1/4 cup crushed pork rinds
1 teaspoon Italian seasonings
salt and pepper to taste
Zucchini, cooked
Dump the tomato sauce into a small skillet. I normally double the recipe and use an electric frying pan. Heat the tomato sauce slowly over very low heat.
While it's heating, combine ground beef, crushed pork rinds, and 1 teaspoon of Italian seasonings. Roll into large meat balls and plop the raw meatballs into the hot sauce. Cover and cook on low heat until the meatballs are cooked through.
Ladle the sauce over the cooked zucchini, and serve the meatballs on the side.
Chicken Lazone
2 tablespoons butter (divided)
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoons chili powder
3/4 teaspoons onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 chicken breasts
1/2 cup heavy cream
In a medium-sized skillet, heat 1 tablespoon butter until hot, but not browned. While the butter is heating, combine salt, chili powder, onion powder, and garlic powder in a pie plate, and stir well. Coat chicken breasts with the seasoning mix and add to the hot butter in the pan. Brown both sides for a total of 7 to 8 minutes.
Only turn the chicken one time.
Add the heavy cream, lower heat, and allow the sauce to simmer for several minutes, stirring occasionally, as needed to keep the chicken from sticking to the pan. The sauce will thicken as it cooks. When thick, add another tablespoon butter and stir well.
To serve, place the chicken on a plate and ladle the sauce over the top.
Okay. I'm in Ketosis and Finished Phase 1. Now What?
After you complete your 14-day Induction period, you have a couple of choices to make:
1) You can stay on Atkins Induction for a couple more weeks and let your body get more proficient at burning fat for fuel; or
2) Move into Phase 2 of the Atkins Nutritional Approach and start returning foods with a significant amount of carbs back into your diet.
If you decide to continue on with Induction for a few more weeks, you must stick with the rules and restrictions mentioned above, but you can switch out the meats, vegetables, and recipes in the above menu for other Atkins 20 friendly foods to give you greater variety.
Also, feel free to substitute one day with another.
If you want to move onto Phase 2 of the Atkins program, here's our post on how to do Phase 2 correctly.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comment section below! If you decide to give this menu a try, I'd also love to hear how well you did.
Other Information You Might Find Useful:
Atkins 20: Understanding the New Atkins Diet - This article goes more into detail about the Atkins 20 diet, and includes a list of the foundation vegetables.
Here is the Easiest Way to Go Low Carb - If you want to do low carb without having to mess with recipes and menus, this article teaches you how to de-carb what your family is eating right now.
What to Expect if You Cheat on Your Low-Carb Diet - Many people have trouble making it 14 days without cheating, so this article goes into detail about the consequences that you can expect if you cheat during Induction.
Why Am I Not Losing Weight on Atkins Induction? - Not everyone loses weight during the first 14 days. Here's why, and some ideas on what to do about that.
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