What You Need to Know about Atkins Induction

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Have you decided to give Atkins Induction a trial run, but are feeling a bit hesitant?

Do you worry about the health effects, warnings, and sustainability of restricting carbohydrates in your diet?

If so, this beginner's guide to Atkins Induction will arm you with the information you need to turn your dieting experience into a successful low-carb lifestyle.

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What is the Goal of Atkins Induction?

Let's get this one out of the way, first.

There are a lot of myths and misinformation surrounding low-carb diets. These inaccuracies sometimes focus on the super restrictive nature of Atkins Induction and assume that the first phase of the Atkins Diet is the diet itself.

It's not!

Although, some obese individuals do choose to follow the Atkins Induction diet for longer than the recommended 14 days, the goal of Phase 1 isn't weight loss.

The goal of Atkins Induction is to lower your basal insulin level, correct any blood glucose issues you might have, eliminate foods you're sensitive to, and switch your metabolic pathway to burn your body-fat stores for fuel.

During this introduction period, the Induction Phase of Atkins focuses on correcting metabolic imbalances. That's the purpose for lowering your carbohydrate intake to a mere 20 carbs per day.

For those used to eating 300 to 400 grams of carbohydrates daily, the restriction can feel dramatic, but 20 grams per day is what it takes to get the job done fast.

Why Atkins Induction is 20 Grams of Carbohydrates

Atkins Induction starts you off at 20 carbs per day because it was based on a ketogenic diet that Dr. Walter Lyons Bloom created and reported on in the scientific literature in the early 1960s.

The diet's purpose was to observe the metabolic changes of a no-carb diet on blood glucose control. It wasn't created to treat overweight patients.

The study showed that the disappearance of hunger that occurs during fasting also occurs on a zero-carb diet.

This ketogenic diet consisted of bacon and eggs for breakfast and meat and salad for lunch and dinner.

Dr. Bloom's diet is what many low-carb opponents claim the Atkins Diet is today, but that diet was far lower in carbohydrates and made no allowance for individual differences in metabolism.

Through trial and error on himself, Dr. Atkins discovered that he could add 10 or 15 grams of carbohydrate to Dr. Bloom's diet, after a zero-carb start, and still stay in the state of ketosis.

Although, Dr. Bloom's diet did contain salad, it was less than 10 grams of carbohydrates per day, which the body treats as essentially zero.

As Dr. Atkins' experiments continued, he discovered that he could personally go as high as 40 grams per day, provided he returned those carbs to his diet slow enough.

Dr. Bloom's ketogenic diet was the foundation that Atkins used to create his low-carb nutritional approach.

Unlike other low-carb diets, Atkins starts you out at 20 carbs, and then allows you the freedom to add additional carbs, a little at a time, until you reach your personal carbohydrate tolerance where weight loss stops.

The Atkins Induction Diet is only the first phase of the diet. It is not your life-long way of eating. There are a total of four phases when using the Atkins approach. The low-carb path only begins with Induction.

Commit to Following the Atkins Plan as Written

If you haven't read at least one of Dr. Atkins' books, you won't have enough knowledge or scientific understanding about how and why low-carb diets work to sustain you throughout the first 14 days.

While you might achieve some level of success, you'll find yourself stumbling around, especially when it comes to low-carb opponents and inaccuracies that others might throw your way.

Switching to a low-carb lifestyle is a radical change.

There is no doubt about that.

Most people, including those on low-calorie diets, have no clue just how much sugar they are eating on a daily basis. So you'll want to pick up a copy of Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution or A New Atkins for a New You.

(Available at Amazon)


(Available at Amazon)

Both books will give you an adequate foundation for your new low-carb lifestyle.

In fact, the older versions of the diet also work well, and sometimes even better, provided you commit to following them as written.

But don't look on them as absolutes. Older versions are more strict, but a better choice for those who are older, have a history of yo-yo dieting, or have lots of food sensitivities.

Books are simply a starting point from which to build.

The Atkins Diet is a personalized weight-loss eating style that you tweak to fit your metabolism, carbohydrate tolerance, fat tolerance, and food sensitivities.

Fat Loss on Induction

With a budget of 20 carbs per day, you're going to be eating mostly protein foods on Induction. You'll get some forms of dairy, but most of your carbohydrates are going come from vegetables.

This design is set up to coax almost everyone to go into the state of dietary ketosis within one to four days.

For a more in-depth approach to getting into ketosis, check out the following posts:

How to Get Into Ketosis in 24 Hours

How to Get Into Ketosis in Less Than 3 Days

Ketosis means you are predominantly burning fatty acids and ketones for fuel, rather than glucose.

If your intake of dietary fats is less than the amount of fat that your body needs for fuel, you'll use a portion of your body fat to make up the difference.

However, when you begin a low-carb diet, before you switch metabolic pathways, the body will use its glycogen stores to keep your blood sugar from dropping too low.

Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates.

The body stores glycogen in your muscles and liver. When you restrict sugars and starches, liver glycogen is needed to keep your blood glucose within a very narrow margin.

Along with that glycogen, the body stores water to help with the metabolism of converting glycogen into glucose. Most of the dramatic weight losses you see on Induction come from glycogen and water.

Low-carb opponents will try to tell you that all of the weight you lose on a low-carb diet is water, but that simply isn't true.

Yes, you can lose about 5 to 20 pounds during the first 14 days, but once your glycogen stores are half-full, you'll begin to burn protein and then fatty acids for fuel.

If you stop restricting carbs or go over your carbohydrate tolerance level, the number of carbs it takes to maintain your body weight, the body will refill its glycogen stores.

This results in weight gain, but it's glycogen and water – not body fat. Carbs are only stored as body fat if your glycogen stores are full.

Typically, on the average, you'll lose 2 to 4 pounds of body fat during Induction. This fat is used to fuel the process of gluconeogenesis. However, Phase 1 isn't the time to worry about weight loss.

It's a corrective phase.

Since low-carb diets are not temporary solutions to overweight and obesity, its best to give yourself time to adapt to the strictness of the diet before you start worrying about how much weight is coming off.

How to Measure Your Weight-Loss Success

Most people who choose to go on a diet measure their success by how much they weigh on the scale. Because of that, they like to set a weight-loss goal. Yet, scale weight is not a good assessment of what's going on.

Low-carb diets have been shown to help you maintain more of your lean body mass (everything that is not fat) than other weight-loss programs, so the number on the scale can often be misleading.

Since muscle mass takes up less space than fat mass does, you can find yourself weighing 10 to 20 pounds more than others do at the same size.

A better goal is the size you want to be, rather than what the scale says you weigh. For that reason, you'll want to take your measurements before you start. And while you at it, also get a couple of before pictures.

If you don't, you'll probably regret it later on because pictures will clearly show your progress.

Pictures can give you the motivation to keep going, as well as show you how far you've come. And measurements can help you when you reach points in your weight-loss journey where the number on the scale isn't moving.

When you burn visceral fat, or your body is putting extra water in your fat cells instead of shrinking them, you're going to need extra methods of measuring progress without a scale.

The Atkins Flu

Sick Girl

There are a lot of myths surrounding what's called the Atkins Flu, even among low-carb dieters. One of these myths is that the Atkins Flu is a result of carb or sugar withdrawals and that those who suffer such symptoms should rejoice because it means the body is cleansing itself.

Not true.

While some people will experience withdrawal symptoms when they eliminate a food they are allergic to, the Atkins Flu is a symptom of unbalanced electrolytes, rather than allergens.

When large amounts of water leave the body, sodium and potassium get flushed out with it, which can leave the body in a state of severe unbalance if the sodium and potassium are not replaced.

There seems to be a large fear of sodium and salt among all types of dieters. This fear is usually experienced by those who use the scale as a measure of progress. It's true that the body will hold onto some extra water too help dilute the level of sodium if it goes too high.

But this is only a temporary situation.

Dieters who stress over every pound they gain will cut back on their salt intake, thinking they are helping their weight-loss efforts.

If you reduce the amount of salt on your food during Induction, you will start to experience the symptoms of Atkins Flu:
  • exhaustion
  • headaches
  • achy joints and muscles
  • nausea
  • night sweats
  • light-headedness
Basically, you'll feel like you have the flu, but without the congestion and coughing.

While some physical discomforts can result from your body transitioning from predominantly burning glucose to predominantly burning fatty acids and ketones, most symptoms are due to electrolyte deficiencies.

The Atkins Nutritionals website recommends that you get ½ teaspoon of salt or 2 tablespoons of soy sauce per day. You can also increase your sodium by drinking a cup or two of salty chicken or beef broth.

Benefits and Challenges of Atkins Induction

Dr. Atkins spent a lot of time searching the medical literature in the 1960s for a diet that would curb his hunger without having to drastically cut back on the amount of calories he was eating.

As a result of that drive, he was able to come up with a program that worked for the majority of dieters because it's specifically designed to address your individual response to carbohydrates.

In addition, it's also designed to eliminate:
Atkins Induction also tends to bring an upsurge in energy and feelings of well-being. Most people find their appetite is completely under control within only a few days, but that depends on the type of Induction foods you choose.

Low-carb products may be low in carbohydrates, but they can sometimes seriously interfere with your appetite and even fat loss.

Trying to replicate the same diet that was responsible for your overweight or obesity is only asking for trouble. Plus, looking at the Atkins Diet as a temporary solution is fighting an uphill battle.

There is no miracle diet, and this includes low-carb diets, that will cure your metabolic issues. The only answer to overweight or obesity is to make permanent changes in your lifestyle.

What Does the Atkins Diet Offer?

The Atkins Diet offers a unique, personalized path that can help you learn how to correct or improve:
Since it lowers insulin levels naturally, it can also correct a host of other conditions associated with elevated insulin or blood glucose levels; but, it starts with dramatic change.

A low-carb diet isn't just about weight loss. It's also about improving your health.

For that reason, it's best to ignore what your weight is doing for the first 14 days and focus on avoiding the pitfalls that come with dieting itself.

If you're used to eating bread, fruit, whole grains, starchy vegetables, and low-fat products every day, you're going to have enough of an upset to your daily routine and meal plans without having to worry about what the scale is doing.

Hidden carbohydrates can also be problematic if you're used to going out to eat once or twice a week, or grabbing a quick sandwich for lunch at the cafe near the office.

Restaurants are notorious for sneaking sugar into their food where you least expect it. Even salad dressing can be loaded with sugar and extra starches.

Improving Your Chances for Success

Start by taking a good look at the foods allowed on Induction.

Don't think about calories or portion sizes. Just zero in on the individual foods themselves. Acceptable foods include:

  • meats
  • poultry
  • fish
  • eggs
  • hard cheeses
  • crumbly cheeses, like Roquefort or Blue

You can have green salads and salad vegetables, non-starchy vegetables, herbs, and spices. You can have lemon or lime juice, heavy cream in your coffee or tea, and a controlled amount of sugar substitute (3 servings or carbs per day).

Fats that are generally off-limits when following a weight-loss diet are allowed and encouraged on Atkins, especially Atkins Induction. This means that:
  • olive oil
  • cold-pressed oils
  • real butter
  • coconut oil
  • mayonnaise
Can be used in reasonable quantities. Try sprinkling your salad with crumbled bacon bits, sliced olives, and grated cheese. You can even use real, full-fat sour cream on your taco salads with a handful of pork rinds instead of chips on the side.

The trick to a successful Induction is to focus on what you can have, instead of what you cannot.

Things will also be easier if you keep your meals simple. The idea isn't to spend all of your free time in the kitchen. Although, there are some great websites online where you can find hundreds of great recipes you can use safely on Induction.

The goal of Atkins Induction is to learn the basics of a low-carb diet with the intention of using this Induction plan as a foundation for a healthier lifestyle to come.

Vickie Ewell Bio


  1. I have Diverticulosis, which means I cannot afford to lower fiber intake. I usually take fiber supplements. Going low-carb has in the past lead to constipation and I'm concerned about going on the Atkins induction after being diagnosed. Fiber supplements have helped a great deal to make sure I don't have flair ups or infection with Diverticulitis. Any thoughts?

    1. I have no experience with Diverticulosis. However, Atkins Induction isn't mandatory for lowering your carbs. You can start off at a higher carb count than 20 net. For example, Atkins 40 starts at 40-net instead of 20. Fiber supplements are also fine on Atkins. But it's best to talk to your doctor first.

  2. I tend to get very tired in the afternoon not sure why. Could this be a side effect of lowering my carb intake and no longer using sugar in coffee and tea?
    By the way thank you for your post they have been very helpful, other than I feel like I need more sleep now.

    1. How long have you been on low carb? It takes a while before the body adapts to burning fat over glucose. Tiredness can also be a sign that your body is trying to make up for the loss in calories.

    2. I was just reading Dr. Westman's Low-Carb Diet advice and he says that feeling tired can also mean that you need more salt.


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