Would You Read a Blog only Partially Devoted to Low Carb?

Chicken Vegetable Bake

I've really been struggling lately.

I can't get my heart and head to agree on anything.

My head wants to keep my 5 blogs and widen each niche just a little bit, so I can pull myself up out of the writer's block that I've fallen into.

And my heart?

My heart wants to consolidate all of my blogs into one project, the Vickie Ewell blog, with each niche having it's own section over there.

If I do that, I won't feel as scattered in my efforts to live life to the fullest -- as I feel right now.

I'd be better prepared for retirement if I consolidate now, and spent the next 5 years rebuilding the trust and credibility that I have today, here, instead of waiting to do that after we retire.

Pinterest Image: Chicken and Vegetable Bake

What Scares Me

What terrifies me about consolidating everything at the Vickie Ewell blog is the real possibility that readers will walk away if I do that.

Starting a new blog is literally starting over from scratch.

It scares me to think that consolidating will cause everything to implode on itself. Because that is what happened to me when my gluten-free blog evolved over the years.

I changed from gluten-free dairy-free, what I was eating when I first went gluten free, to just gluten-free – once I stopped reacting to dairy products.

My readers, however, didn't stick with me.

They flat-out walked away.

And when I tried to move from gluten-free to a gluten-free lifestyle blog, by starting a new project, I lost even more readers.

Very few followed me to the new blog.

Today, I blog on super sensitivity and cross-contamination for celiacs. I have tried to open the focus over there to include newbie articles, but I'm still not getting much traffic there, probably due to a lack of consistency.

Blogging Consistency is Going Down Hill

With 5 blogs to manage, consistency is severely lacking. I've been putting most of my time and effort into Kickin' Carb Clutter, getting it into shape by deleting outdated posts and reworking posts that are still relevant for today.

Consistency is one of the reasons why I think moving to just one blog would be better. With only one blog to take care of, I'd be able to post more often.

Which Blog Has the Most Traffic?

Crowd in London

The only blog that has significant traffic out of the 5 blogs I have is this one: Kickin' Carb Clutter.

Just Do You gets a little bit of traffic, due to the Weight Watchers posts I have over there, so it comes in second. Probably because the blog's focus is on weight loss and regaining health.

Lots of people are interested in weight loss, but Google now only rewards those with credentials. To rank well in Google Search, you now have to have popularity, authority, and trust.

Can you trust a site that is only partially devoted to low carb?

That's the ultimate question.

What I Need You to Do for Me

I'm stuck for content ideas.

Having turned Kickin' Carb Clutter into a low-carb resource, and improved all of the blog posts I've kept, I now don't know what else to talk about.

People don't comment on my blog posts as much as they used to, and even my email questions are down quite a bit from what they used to be. This keeps me searching for ideas to write about.

Can you answer a few questions for me:
  • Do I rewrite on the same topic, as a magazine would do?
  • Or do I just wait until I discover a topic I haven't written much about?
What are you looking for when you come to Kickin' Carb Clutter?

Would you trust a site that is only partially devoted to low carb?

Please comment and let me know what you think.

The Biggest Problem with Kickin' Carb Clutter

The content here is no longer considered “fresh” and “up to date” by Google, even though the posts are all accurate and still relevant to your low-carb diet.

I wrote most of the posts several years ago.

Over the past year, I've been busy updating everything, so brand new content has been slow in coming. Pinterest traffic is dropping now, as well.

While I realize that low-carb has a huge turn-over – people quit when weight loss doesn't come as easy as they thought it would or when they learn that they can't give up carbs forever – I don't know how helpful it would be to just rewrite everything here, so it's fresh.

One Alternative to Consolidation

One alternative to consolidating everything (merge all the blog posts together from all 5 blogs at one time) is to keep my blogs up as they are, with a “we have moved to a new blog” post, and then just start writing from a consolidation perspective at the Vickie Ewell blog.

This would keep Kickin' Carb Clutter intact, as it is, rather than merging it with posts from my other blogs.

So what do you think?

Would you read and trust a blog that is only partially devoted to low carb, or not?

Do you prefer narrow niche blogs or wider lifestyle blogs?

Vickie Ewell Bio


  1. I facilitate between Weight Watchers and Low Carb trying to get my mind in one place or the other. When one program quits working (aah, that would mean me faltering), I change my mind and decide I should do the other. I enjoy the recipes and with the market swinging towards LCHF and Keto you are probably picking up new readers. Why not start at basics occasionally for newbies and as a refresher for people who are perhaps stalled or stale in their progress.

    1. Thanks. I understand the switching back and forth all too well. Basics is a great idea!

  2. I agree, I love this site and have followed it for several years. I appreciate the time and effort you have taken to provide the various plans and all of the recipes. I would like to see you continue this site and as the reader above suggested provide the basics for newbies and as a refresher for the rest of us just to keep us on track. Regarding the meal plans, what keeps me coming back is how simple they are. No hard recipes to make, just simple good food. Thanks Vickie!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing that. I'm all into simple these days and don't cook as much as I used to. Hubby loves smoking, so smoked ribs and pulled pork are mainstays for us.

  3. I have followed you for many years for the low carb content. I prefer this type of content myself especially since every other blogger out there is talking keto when they no very little about it. They are just jumping on the band wagon to sell their next cookbook. I find you provide excellent and truthful information on a low carb lifestyle.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing that! I appreciate your feelings and insights. I get frustrated with fancy-design blogs that say if you want the recipe, then buy my book.

  4. As a celiac patient who also eats low carb/keto, I definately see benefits to a combined blog! Kicking clutter of all kinds, so to speak. There are so many plans and products and claims to explore, so much unprocessed food encouragement to be given. Go for it!!

    1. Thank you for sharing your perspective! This is exactly what I have been thinking about.

  5. Hi Vicki, I've been low carb now for 4 years, my 4th anniversary is next month in August, and I've followed you on this blog for almost all of that time. I really enjoy your blog and think the name of it is quite catchy and smart, and it means something.
    And no, I wouldn't be much interested in a 'varied' blog as I already belong to several of those, and then as they get commercial and want to sell me books and various products I unsubscribe from them. Not that you would do that, but I think this blog just needs to stay low carb and perhaps to open up a bit to include related and specific topics like grain-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, ketogenic, paleo, metabolic health, real food recipes, low carb baking, low carb lifestyle, posts and ideas. As I am interested in all of those and then some. (I have also been keto for about 3 years) lol
    For your other 3 blogs if you want to continue with them, why not just put links to them on the left side here << so this blog could maybe be your 'base' to work from.
    Your blog posts or thoughts here do not need to be very long, just on point and something for us all to think about or to try, etc.
    I always enjoy seeing your Kickin Carb Clutter email in my inbox!
    Just my 2cents as I don't want to see you and your blog dissipate and disappear.
    All the best, Kind regards, Karen

    1. This list of interests was extremely helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to share all of that, plus your thoughts, and feelings. I know what you mean when you say blogs go commercial. Then push books at you. I do have plans to try writing books, but no plans to push them at my readers. I hate that.

  6. Low Carb/Keto MamaJuly 5, 2019 at 2:45 PM

    I would still read your blog if you merged it into one. I appreciate how genuine you are in your writing and while you write what has or is currently working for you, you are quick to point out that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to anything. Each of us is different and what works for you may not work for me or the reader across the sea.

    1. Thank you. I've always wanted to be transparent. Not one of those low-carb gurus who "preach" low carb, while doing something else. Losing weight isn't near as hard as keeping it off.

  7. While I just recently found your blog, I have to say that I love it. You have helped me make sense of the Atkins world and understand why I failed in the past. I would still come here if you linked or combined the other blogs with this one. So much information here. I love it. Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing that! I really appreciate your input!


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